Wednesday, November 11, 2009

29 weeks along...

Wow guys! Am i really 29 weeks along already? i cant beleive it! It feels like its been passing by so fast! Connor is really moving alot and wiggling alot more now and i can really feel him in there! i still cant beleive that i have a baby boy surviving and living in my stomach! its so weird to think about but amazing at the same time! i just want to meet him already! My belly button is starting to stick out more now and look kind of funny! lol- its so weird to think that i only have 11 more weeks to go until my little prince will be here! i cant wait!:-)
Here are some pics of my belly at 29 weeks and 4 days along!

Side view of my growing belly at 29 weeks along:-)

Connors getting so much bigger!

Front view of the buddah belly at 29 weeks along

Side view with the shirt on (wow its sticking out)

I love my precious Connor William

My belly!:-)