Monday, September 14, 2009

Putting up the crib:-)

Over the weekend we were able to set up the baby boys crib and it turned out so good!:-) i love the bedding we chose in it! We decided to do Dark brown and light blue colors and were going to do some train stuff to decorate the room! its so exciting getting the crib set up and the room started! i cant beleive in just a little over 4 months were going to have a little baby boy in that room! its so much fun shopping and buying stuff! Colt did such a good job putting that crib up! i'm just so thankful for my husband and all he does for me and the baby! He is so sweet and i'm the luckiest girl to have found someone as great as him! here are some pics we got of putting the crib up and putting the bedding in it:

colt working on the finishing touches of the crib
(look at that concentration) lol

Using the tools


Ta da.... and its a success!

Tying on the bumper pads

its so exciting!

All smiles!

The finished product!

What do you think?

Daddy to be with the baby crib!

momma to be with the baby crib!