Sunday, August 16, 2009

Having a blast at our family reunion

So This weekend we had a family reunioun with my moms side of the family! it was so much fun! We got to go to bear lake and hang out in the water and sand! it was good to hang out at the beach for a few days! We stayed in a cabbin that was beautiful! The little kids had fun with the water boats and playing in the sand! and so many people had fun wakeboarding on the back of my dads boat! i wasnt able to go because i'm pregnant but i was able to get some pictures of Curtis, Danny, and Colt wakeboarding and a video of colt! Lyla was so much fun at the beach! she loved playing in the sand! here are some fun pictures i was able to get at the reunion...

Collin, Hailey, Annie, and Amanda on the
paddle boat
Amanda, Annie, and Hailey

Danny wakeboarding
Curtis Wakeboarding

A video of Colt wakeboarding (He had so
much fun)
Colt Getting ready to wakeboard

Colt almost ready to get up

And he got up! yahooooo

I love this picure of colt

He did so good
one handed
Colt done wakeboarding and happy

Theres me hanging out in the boat
Me and my love on the beach
Me and Lyla.... what a cutie
Lyla having so much fun on the sand!