Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chillin with the animals

So i havent really gotten to put up any pics of my animals! The other day i was able to take some pictures with our dogs and i took some of our birds too so i could post them! We have two dogs... (Khloie our black lab) and (Suzie-Anne our chuwawah) there fun and both have personalities of their own! Khlo is our lover and follower... wherever you are she has to be too always wanting cuddles and attention! Suz is "i'll do what i want" when she is tired she will just go up to the room if people are in there or not and do her own thing! She is deffenetley more of the attitude and bully! lol- Then we have our birdies named (Ollie and Ozzie) they just do there own thing and like to make lots of noise! We have a fun house with all these animals! so here are some pics of the dogs and birds!:-)

Khloie Mae our fun loving black lab

Suzie-Anne Mariee our tempermental but fun chuwawah

Me and Khloe posing

Me and Suze

Our two birds Ollie (green) and Ozzie (blue)