Saturday, August 29, 2009

ITS A BOY!!!!!!

We were able to get our BIG ultra sound yesterday morning and found out that our little bundle of joy is going to be a BOY!!!! We are so excited and we cant wait to meet him! We are deciding betweet two names! Jayden Colt and Connor William

We got some great pictures of our little boy! Here are the 3-D picures we got from the ultra sound!
_Deffenetley a little boy!
_hand on face
_he loved his hands close to his face
_Plugging his nose... lol-

_what a cute little boy!

_Little feet and legs

Baby update at 18 weeks and 4 days...

Well The Pregnancy is going great so far and the baby is strong and healthy! Here are some belly pics at 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant!

_Getting bigger

_Starting to stick out more!

_Starting to stick out from the front!

_Close up

I also am reading some baby books.... here are a few that i love!

_Pregnancy week by week

_Girlfriends guide to pregnancy

_Pregnancy Sucks

Back to school and braces....

Well i started school again on the 24th and it was great! Classes are hard but going good and it gives me something to do on the weeks colts gone to keep me buisy! Utah State is a great school and i'm happy to be going there!

I also got Braces on my teeth that day! i've been wanting them for awhile and the time is now!
the orthidontist told me its good to get them when your pregnant because your teeth move faster! i only got braces on the top for now then in 3 months i'm getting them put on the bottom! Here are some pics:

_A mold of my mouth the orthidontist made
_Me before I got my braces on

_Colt waiting for me to get braces on! lol-
_Me and Colt before

_Me in the beginning when getting braces on

_Getting them on

_Close up!

_Me after i got braces

_Me and Colt after

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Having a blast at our family reunion

So This weekend we had a family reunioun with my moms side of the family! it was so much fun! We got to go to bear lake and hang out in the water and sand! it was good to hang out at the beach for a few days! We stayed in a cabbin that was beautiful! The little kids had fun with the water boats and playing in the sand! and so many people had fun wakeboarding on the back of my dads boat! i wasnt able to go because i'm pregnant but i was able to get some pictures of Curtis, Danny, and Colt wakeboarding and a video of colt! Lyla was so much fun at the beach! she loved playing in the sand! here are some fun pictures i was able to get at the reunion...

Collin, Hailey, Annie, and Amanda on the
paddle boat
Amanda, Annie, and Hailey

Danny wakeboarding
Curtis Wakeboarding

A video of Colt wakeboarding (He had so
much fun)
Colt Getting ready to wakeboard

Colt almost ready to get up

And he got up! yahooooo

I love this picure of colt

He did so good
one handed
Colt done wakeboarding and happy

Theres me hanging out in the boat
Me and my love on the beach
Me and Lyla.... what a cutie
Lyla having so much fun on the sand!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just a baby update

So i'm 17 weeks along now! i cant beleive how fast this pregnancy is passing by! i've been feeling some baby flutters a little bit lately and thats so exciting! its an amazing feeling! This pregnancy is going so well so far and me and my husband couldnt be happier! we are so exctied and anxious to be a mommy and daddy for the first time! i went in for my 16 week doctors apointment last week and she listened to the babys heartbeat and it was going strong at 152 beats per minute!:-) its so great to listen to the heartbeat! i just hope this pregnancy continues to go so well for us! I cant beleive that in 3 weeks we get to find out if our little angel is a boy or girl! that will be so exciting to get a 3-D ultrasound done! We cant wait! pretty soon i'm gonna start looking up some places to start doing some prenatal birthing classes! i just want to learn some things about what to exect and some relaxation methods! I really want to try my hardest to have this baby natural so i really hope i will be able to do that! I also got some maternity clothes! Its so different to be in maternity pants now but i love it! Well here are some pics of my baby belly at
16 weeks and 6 days pregnant...

Heres the belly at 16 weeks and 6
days pregnant!

Its getting bigger...
different outfit but the same day...
crazy how much my belly is growing

Front view of the belly

A picture of my belly from the top

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Theres nothin like a fair and rodeo

I had so much fun going to the fair and rodeo this last weekend with my aunt konie and kamies famliy! it was a blast! unfortunately my hubby could'nt go because he had to work but i'm so glad i got to have fun with them! my little 6 year old cousin James got to be in the muttin bustin competition to see how long he could stay on the sheep and he came in 3rd out of 12 kids so he did great! we were all so happy for him!:-) here are some pics from the fair and rodeo!

Here is a video of some of the Rodeo

Me and Raquel on the fake bull

James and Alex

Me holding a Bunny at the fair! (they were cute)

Raquel holding the bunny...

Little Jaxon looking at the bunnies

James in his cute muttin bustin fair outfit:-)

GOOOOO number 62!!! yahoo

Me and Raquel so excited to be at the Rodeo!

Some of the rodeo

some more of the Rodeo...

Grandma packer and Jax at the Rodeo

Raelyn, Alex, and James at the Rodeo

Me and James

Me and Rae Rae